Thursday, May 21, 2009


                    Michael as Mr. Trevino                                    Hugo  as

     Hug                                                            Elizibith as   LIzz

                         Mrs.Hinojosa  as Mrs.hinojosa


Scene #1

Hugo: Hey lizz...UH wait Mr.trevino. (pause)      

     Ok as I was i was about to say..... do you want some doritos

Lizz: Yah sure

(MR.trevino Follows and easdrops on  conversation)

Mr.Trevino:(whispers to self) Icould get these kids in trouble (loud evil laugh) MUAHhahaha!

(hugo liz turn around slowly)(Micheal try to hide)

Hugo: awkward

Lizz:I know right lets hurry were late for class.

( hugo Lizz walk into tech lab)

( Micheal follows Sneaky)

(hugo and lizz with cheesy fingers use computer)

(Micheal does a " no you didnt" move)

Micheal: (Screaming)  Excuse me FOLKS! what you doing There isn't any eating in my lab.

Mrs.Hinojos:ahis is my lab and your getting my keyboard full of nacho flavored fingers.

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