Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How can learning about powerpoint help me in the real world?

when i am in the real world i need a powerpoint if i need to present something to my bisness.  i can use a power piont in school.
i can use it in college. i can use it for various things.
i really love powerpoint.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How do you see yourself using a computer in the future?

I seem myself using a compueter in a big corprol office. i see myself typing out contracts. i see myself on a computer researching lawsuits. In the future i see myself college using a laptop typing essays and reports. I also see myself using a computer as a intern at my moms office

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How can learning about the computer parts help me in the real world?

Learning how to use computer parts is essential in life if you want to succeed. Their  is no job out there that doesn't need you to work with some electronic devise. And for that fact; if it breaks while you are using it and no ones around to fix it. How are you going to continue working when its broken . Thats why  you need to now about computer parts

Monday, February 9, 2009