Friday, September 25, 2009

Why are creating goals important? 

Its important because it helps us be organized

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Out their in the real world of business we use Word to create documents.  Explain how you see word being used and give examples?

I use it for all my my projects. For my projects and for my reports. Also all presentations

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

in investigate  i give myself a 4. in Design i give myself a 4. In Plan i give myself a 3. 

I graded myself  by my work and quality. I gave myself a 4 on most of them because it a little shy of perfect. I hope that next time i improve my project so that i get a hundred.  i think my design was poor and not so well but its ok. My investigation Was good, i could of investigated more but i feel like i investigated enough. My plan was  alright but not awsome it should been better  but i didnt put alot  work into

Exit question 
Pacticing and memorizing the keys.
i canalso improve by asking you to help me when ineed help